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  Contributor: Allan HuntingdonView/Add comments

In my early 20's (early 1950's) whilst still on the buses at Darwen in Lancashire, all my pals were in 9 to 5 jobs with every weekend off. It was no joke when they were going somewhere special and I couldn't go with them due to my unsociable hours. But it was something I had to get used to, wrote Allan Huntingdon.

There were also times when we all wanted to go on holiday, but couldn't because I would be working and my holiday rota was pre-prepared as, being single, I had no family commitments so could go any time apart from peak holiday times.

Well, there was one time when we were all able to go to Butlin's at Filey in Yorkshire for a week. We duly booked the holiday and also the rail ticket as it was a special booked through the travel agent.

Off we went and it turned into the most brilliant weather and the holiday camp was superb. We all had such a wonderful time that when we were half way through the week an offer came over the tannoy that anyone wishing to stay for another week could have a substantial discount.

Well, the lads were all up for that but I realised that I would only be able to stay until the Thursday and then find my own way home. I made enquiries at the station and found that it was virtually impossible to get the connections I would require so I had to give that idea the chop.

Then a brainwave came over me. I couldn't let the bus company down so I wrote to them explaining that there were no mid-week connections and asking them to cover my Friday and Saturday shifts. I thought at least they would have warning and could make sure someone is on duty.

What a holiday it was. It turned out to be the best holiday I had ever had. I even met a girl who was a nurse at Sheffield Royal Infirmary and fell hook, line and sinker.

When I finally arrived back at work, I was on a high. I was informed that the manager wished to see me. 'That's ominous', I thought. 'I will probably get a rocket.'

But, no it wasn't a rocket I got, it was the boot. Despite all my excuses and pleadings, the boot it was and that was the end of my bus- driving career.

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