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  Contributor: Maryellen McKenzieView/Add comments

I have many memories about growing up in the small village of Fauldhouse, West Lothian, Scotland, wrote Maryellen McKenzie. Fauldhouse is not what you could call the most enthralling place on earth but it was the place where I was born and also reared, until I moved away to start my own life.

I was born the youngest of three on 20 March 1970, when my brothers were 12 and nine years old. My mum and dad had me quite late on in life, 42 and 45 respectively, but never was a child more wanted or loved than me. I remember with pride the time spent with my beloved mum and dad.

My mum was a great one for ad-hoc travelling. I would get up of a morning, never knowing where I would be taken that day. One day
Portobello beach, the next Ayr or St Andrews. She would always take me to places of interest, even from an early age, building my knowledge up.

I saw quite a bit of Scotland and England in my early years, but unfortunately all that had to stop when my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She went from being such a funny, happy-go-lucky individual to a shadow of her former self.

I went to Crofthead Primary School, Fauldhouse, then went on to Whitburn Academy, Whitburn. My earliest friends were Debbie Hope, one of my neighbours and Janet Henderson, met on first day of Primary School.

Long-term friend was Evelyn Herriot. My neighbours whilst growing
up included, Mr and Mrs Dewar and their family and Mrs Cherry and family and as I said before Debbie.

My mum died when I was 14 years old, but I will always know she died
in the knowledge that she had did her part in rearing me the best she could and showing me things in life I may never have ever seen, if I hadn't had such an adventurous mother.

My father took over the role of my chief source of learning, apart from school that is. He taught me all about the values in life, always treating people the way you would like to be treated, always respecting my elders, beliefs I think children today should be taught from an early age.

I always looked up and took pride in my father; he was a great individual with a unique outlook on life. Again, my father was taken from me when I was 29, also to the dreaded cancer, but throughout all this I know in my heart my mother and father are watching down on me and are proud of the daughter they both wanted and cherished throughout their lives.

Unfortunately I have no pictures of my early childhood as all were lost when I moved house. I now stay with my fiancé John George and I am still as fond of my memories as I have been all my life.

Maryellen McKenzie, Craigneuk, Scotland, 2001
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19 Jan 2013
By jsamuel
My mums name was Evelyn Herriot and was from fauldhouse, wondering if this was your friend. She went to fallahill and then Whitburn Academy.

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