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  Contributor: Albert Hawkesworth (Born 1937)View/Add comments

I was born in March 1937 in London N.W.8. about 1 mile from Lords Cricket Ground. You must understand that a 3 year old wouldn't have to much of a memory but I can still remember many things during the War and the evacuation of myself and my older brother to South Wales. Before evacuation. I still vividly remember a particular night of a air raid. At the time my Family were living in a block of flats on the top floor. The reason we were living there because we had been bombed out of our House just around the corner in Penfold Street (More of that later). This night the siren sounded and the shelters were at the back of the flats and after climbing down the stairs everybody had to keep to the wall. I remember that I was wrapped up in a blanket an carried by one of my sister's. I think the eldest one. Anyway!. Why I remember it so well is because as we were coming down, a very large vehicle stopped in front of the building with a great big Gun which started firing up amonst all the Searchlights at a very rapid rate. I must have been excited or scared I don't know. It obviously was terrfying for all the Adults.

My Father wasn't called up immediately the War started because he had a problem with his legs and was working in the Underground Station at Edgeware Road. At this time my brother and two sisters wer evacuated to Beaconsfield but I was too young to go with them. This was a little while before the above happened. My Mother and I had gone from our home in Penfold Street to meet my Father in the Underground Station which as it turned out saved our lives. Of course during the raid we stayed in the Underground for most of the night. The next morning the only part of the House standing was one wall.

I have know idea of the dates that my brother and I were evecuated the Wales. He returned from Beaconsfield with my sister's and the reason was never told to me. I remember getting the Train from Paddington station with what seemed to be thousands of other kids. My Mum bought my brother and I new suits and boots. The style was like battledress and we both had short trousers with it. I remember that a troop train stopped alongside us and threw lots of chocolate and chewing gum at us. I think they were Americans or Canadians. We went to Ystraad in the Rhonda Valley and stayed with a wonderful Coal Mining family with a Collie Dog named Mick. The first few weeks I was very homesick and did a lot of crying. I cant remember the year we returned home but I think it was at the end of the War. I remember the V.E. Parties in the Courtyard of the flats snd the ration books. In particular the sweet coupons but there wasn't many sweets in the shops. I remember the rows of big jars and most of them were empty. I could go on writing for hours with many memories just after the War but I will end now.

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