The Downs from St Boniface, Ventnor. View westward from the top of St Boniface Down, with Combe Bottom between the two lines of hedges at the foot of the north and south slopes, and the end of the chalk quarry of the railway station cutting (white patch at centre of picture). Wroxall Down (with chalk pits visible at right of picture) curves round to the right, and beyond it in the distance is Rew Down (which has a large quarry for digging chalk and making lime). The top of the quarry is visible as a level white line (about a quarter of an inch long) just right of centre of picture, in the far distance. The house where the Partridge family lived is in the valley between the Wroxall and Rew Downs (out of sight). The coat (at left centre) runs south-west past St Lawrence to Hiton and St Catherine's Point.