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  Contributor: Mick TateView/Add comments

I don`t know whether this can be counted as a reminiscence but being something I miss today in my view makes it count, wrote Mick Tate.

I was born in Dorchester in 1955, the first of seven offspring, and my mother moved to Hull after leaving the Army and my father, and getting divorced.

We lived in various homes in Hull but my fondest memories are of Hessle Road (Ask anyone from Hull about Hessle road and they should have fond memories also).

We lived with my Nan at the time and it was the era when Hull was a fishing port. You could actually see the trawlers at the bottom of the street. You could tell when a trawler was in dock as all the seamen would be staggering drunk along Hessle Road in their powder-blue suits and white socks, having had a skinful before going home.

I am only going back about 30-35 years but what I miss most is the Saturday Big Movie! Followed on Sunday by Sunday Night at the Palladium.

My brothers and sisters used to sit there on Saturday night glued to the TV. Mum would make us sit through the whole of the movie without a sound before she would allow us our treat.

Once a fortnight we got our pocket money in the form of a thru'penny lucky bag and she would share a bottle of pop between us all. There were 7 of us??

Nowadays it's soap, soap, soap and nothing else. I have Sky Digital and nowadays tune to TCM so that I can revisit all my favourite movies. Occasionally my children walk in and utter, 'Dad's watching a classic,' and promptly walk out again.

Some of the schools I went too were: Adelaide Street, Boulevard, Francis Askew, and Kingston High School. I became an apprentice cabinetmaker before joining the Army myself in 1977. I left the Army in 1989 to become a Prison Officer and am still doing it here in Leicestershire.

Mick Tate, Leicestershire, 2001
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