When I was a child, we always went to Rye Lane in Peckham to shop. I can remember every afternoon, my mum, nan and myself walked down to Rye Lane. As things were still on rations I can remember my mum with the ration books.
Her first shop was Fordham's the butchers at the Heaton Arms, then on to Frosts where she would buy the groceries. I can remember Hemmings the Bakers; also Pardoes the greengrocers where the lady who owned it always had her hair in a style that my mum called 'earphones'.
Most I remember was Jones and Higgins, where little old ladies wore black frocks with white collars and cuffs, the money went along on the pullies above your heads to the cash desk, then it came back with your change. In later years, my mum worked in the toy department there, and then my own daughter had a Saturday job in the dress material department, by which time things had changed a lot.
At the top of Rye Lane was Austin's the antiques furniture shop, where many a Saturday afternoon was spent with my parents looking around. Further on I can remember there used to be a funfair, which was always there. I can't recall the name but it must have been there in the late 1940's, opposite the open-air swimming pool, which we only went to when the weather was really hot.
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