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  Contributor: Alan EarwakerView/Add comments

Alan Earwaker went to Loxford County Secondary in Eton Road, Ilford, together with two good friends, Barry Hill and Stewart Smith, from 1959 to 1964.

P.E. -- Mr. Roberts a Welshman. I remember the Welsh wizard of the gym who took P.T. and he had a size 15 plimsoll. It was a big slipper and when he whacked you it really hurt. I am sure he came to England, just to beat Englishmen's sons.

I enjoyed his P.E. classes. Nothing like a good game of pirates to get you going. I dreaded PE in the freezing winter over the park. What about the cross country runs over at Epping. The mad dash to the muddy, wet, slippery first stile and then the 4 or 5 miles to the finish.

We used to get those manky lunch boxes for the trip on the coach. What about the swimming galas, what was the name of the boy that used to win all the races, brilliant swimmer used to win by miles. Reckon he had a prop up his ????

The School had a large gym with wooden wall bars which we had to climb, also ropes to climb-up and changing rooms. This was on the Oxford Road side.

Anyone remember that other Welshman, Mr Jacobs, who also took us for PE? He had a black belt in Judo, you didn't mess with him!

Remember when Mr Evans was P E teacher, he was strapped to the wall bars of the gym?

For geography we had Ernie Peckett, who we called Smelly Peckett because he was always smoking, had yellow lips from nicotine, and his breath smelt. We used to sing the hymn 'Breath on me breath of death'. His grey hair was always sticking up.

He took us for French as well. The hours we spent trying to learn the 36 verbs in French, Je vu etc., which I never mastered, but I can speak reasonable German to get by. I heard that he died sometime ago.

Mr Norman the geography teacher ran the school weather bureau. Got me up on the gym roof which was out of bounds.

We had three history teachers: George Little, Mr Barker and Mr Horn. George Little taught music as well and I recall his amazing accuracy in throwing the blackboard rubber!

Mr Barker was a small 'weasely' man who always had heavily Brylcreamed hair (in the style of Hitler) and was a great one for using the cane.

As for Mr. Horn, God bless him, he tried but never stood a chance. That's what I call a hero, but he loved history and I have learnt to see his point of view.

Does any body remember S. Hosking ? What did he teach? All I can remember about him was how easy it was to wind him up. We tried to get as many lads as possible to stand outside the classroom door. I don't know what the record was but I think there was a danger of more than 50% of the class being outside!

What was the name of the art teacher? Tried to turn me into a budding artist with a cavalier painting, needless to say it didn't work.

There was also an art teacher who had a beard, but his name escapes me for now. I believe he was named Mr. Dean. Art teacher with a beard, I can remember him especially when I recall pottery lessons.

Continued ...............

Alan Earwaker, 2002
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